S. Mentz, Esq. - Atty at Law
Mr. Mentz is licensed to practice
law in Louisiana and the Federal Courts of the EDLA
and has been a member of the Tax, Trusts & Estates
& International Law Sections of the Bar. Mr. Mentz
is chiefly a consultant and professor in the areas
of class action lawsuits, secuities law, personal
injury, quantum financial analysis, ethics, international
law, business, public relations, and financial law,
and he has recently been quoted or featured in the
US Wall Street Journal, Financial Times Asia, The
Hindu National and El Norte Mexico. Mr. Mentz has
written and published in multiple venues around the
world in Radio, TV, magazines, web-casts, and journals.
More on Prof. Mentz
Mr. Mentz holds and earned his Juris Doctorate after
completing courses at Loyola University School of
Law, Tulane Law School and William and Mary Law School.
Moreover, Mr. Mentz holds an MBA in International
Business and Financial Planning from an AACSB accredited
business school.
Mr. Mentz is a Professor with the American Academy
of Financial Management and is on faculty with the
WDD Graduate International Taxation LLM Program. Moreover,
Prof. Mentz has served on the law or business faculty
for colleges in Silicon Valley, Chicago, Miami, Denver
and in New Orleans. Mr. Mentz teaches in the areas
of Law, Tax, Finance, Management, Internet Technologies,
Contracts, Media Law, e-Commerce, Project Management,
Politics, and Ethics.
Mr. Mentz serves on several boards and advisory committees
in the US, Europe, and Asia. Mr. Mentz is the first
person in the US to be "Quad Designated"
with an earned JD, MBA, certified financial consultant
credential and financial planner license. Mr. Mentz
has provided specialized consulting over the years
as to valuation and quantum damages, and has testified
as an expert in NASD arbitration hearings. Mr. Mentz
was recently appointed to the Global Finance Forum
Adv. Board in Switzerland and the ERISA Fiduciary
Advisory Board and re-elected to the Financial Training
Board for AAFM Worldwide for 2005. Mr. Mentz has trained
thousands of people in the areas of law, finance,
ethics, tax, corporate governance, investments, and
wealth management.
More on Prof. Mentz
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Contact George Mentz

Large Jury Verdicts . To Read about some of the largest jury
verdicts in the United States and Lousiana, please
review our website. read
To make a complaint now, please click
here to contact a Louisiana Licensed Attorney.
Our Lawyers are working for
you If you or a loved one has been injured
in an auto, trucking, SUV, or by accident or disaster,
our Lousiana Attorneys can help. read
An estimated $4 billion in compensatory
and punitive damages were awarded to plaintiff winners
in civil trials. Juries awarded
$3.9 billion to plaintiff winners while judges awarded
$368 million. The median total award for plaintiff
winners in tort trials was
$27,000 and in contract trials $45,000. Punitive
damages, estimated at $1.2 billion, were awarded
to 6% of plaintiff winners in trials. *2001 Click
to Complain
Securities Act of 1933
- Often referred to as the "truth in securities"
law, the Securities Act of 1933 has two basic objectives:
1) require that investors receive financial and
other significant information concerning securities
being offered for public sale; and 2) prohibit deceit,
misrepresentations, and other fraud in the sale
of securities. Click
to Complain
Transportation Fatalities:
A Modal Picture - Over the last 25 years, fatalities
on the nation’s roads, rails, and waters and in
the skies have declined. Despite progress, transportation
crashes and incidents claimed 43,873 lives in 1999,
of which 41,611 involved highway vehicles. Click
to Complain
Wrongful Death:
Damages for "wrongful death" are available
for the wife, husband, parent and child of the deceased
person. Sometimes, persons related by blood or marriage,
who were dependent upon the deceased, may recover.
Damages are not limited to economic loss and may
include damages for mental anguish, emotional pain
and suffering, loss of society, companionship, comfort,
protection, marital care, parental care, filial
care, attention, advice, counsel, training, guidance
or education. Damages are available for the deceased's
estate as well.
Torts: A "tort"
is an injury to someone's person, reputation, or feelings
or damage to real or personal property.(1) Under the U.S.
system of tort liability, courts can hold injurers liable
for many different types of torts, such as automobile accidents,
contract fraud, trespass, medical malpractice, and injuries
associated with defective products. Contact
our Legal Team
Malpractice: Plaintiffs
prevailed in about a fourth (27%) of medical malpractice
trials. Half of the 311 plaintiffs who successfully
litigated a medical malpractice claim won at least $422,000,
and in nearly a third of these cases, the award was $1 million
or more. *2001 Click
to Complain
Pain And Suffering: Ordinarily,
the most "valuable" and "critical" element
of your bodily injury claim is the right to compensation
for physical pain and mental anguish you have suffered and
will endure in the future because of your accident injury
or abuse. These general damages are in addition to and may
be far more than the amount of your lost earnings and medical
expenses. Click
to Contact Our Legal Team
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